We may never understand your penchant for throwing oranges at each other,
Why you always pick on the little ones,
Why what is so appealing about wrestling,
Or why bodily function jokes are so funny.
We may call you "boys" or "guys" or "those weirdos..."
But we know you are true men, after God's own heart.
The world may tell you that "boys don't cry,"
But real men are deep with humility, feelings and wounds.
We are touched and blessed that you have shared those with us.
You make us laugh at ourselves and despite ourselves,
And we wish we had your easy ability to make a fool of yourself for the joy of others.
But beyond the laughter and games we see
Your integrity, your desire for purity, and your concern for us.
Thank you for everything, for being there for us,
Even when we are needy, moody and irrational,
Men like you are not easy to find, so we are so grateful you are a part of our lives.
May you grow more and more like the ultimate man, Jesus,
Who bellowed in righteous anger against injustice,
Who saw the pain of others and sought to heal them,
And who stood firm in the face of ridicule, temptation and death to save the ones He loved.
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