Sunday, July 25, 2010
miracle of life
Sunday, June 27, 2010
songs i like series, post 1
I loved you first, I loved you first
Beneath the sheets of paper lies my truth
I have to go, I have to go
Your hair was long when we first met
Samson went back to bed
Not much hair left on his head
He ate a slice of wonder bread and went right back to bed
And history books forgot about us and the bible didn't mention us
And the bible didn't mention us, not even once
You are my sweetest downfall
I loved you first, I loved you first
Beneath the stars came fallin' on our heads
But they're just old light, they're just old light
Your hair was long when we first met
Samson came to my bed
Told me that my hair was red
Told me I was beautiful and came into my bed
Oh I cut his hair myself one night
A pair of dull scissors in the yellow light
And he told me that I'd done alright
And kissed me 'til the morning light, the mornin' light
And he kissed me 'til the morning light
Not much hair left on his head
Ate a slice of wonderbread and went right back to bed
Oh, we couldn't bring the columns down
Yeah we couldn't destroy a single one
And history books forgot about us
And the bible didn't mention us, not even once
Saturday, June 26, 2010
what the what?
Sunday, June 13, 2010
our nature
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
this random thing
a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search (
b. Using ONLY the first page, pick an image. (i picked only the first or last image on the page)
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into Mosaic Maker. Change rows to 3 and columns to 3 (
d. Save the image and post it on this note.
1. Pope John Paul & Mother Theresa MA14546175-0002, 2. Orange (365/340), 3. Mhhhh the sweetest candy cupcake from Crumbs., 4. Tahiti Lime, 5. When Waves Collide, 6. 082 - Mar 23 - Journaling, 7. Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF) - Run for the Cure, 8. Seeking the truth, 9. Thoughtful Gorilla
The Questions:
1. What is your first name? Theresa
2. What is your favorite color? orange
3. What is your favorite food? chocolate - i think its the one food i have the most reoccurring cravings for.
4. Favorite drink? limeade
5. Dream vacation? hawaii
6. Favorite hobby? journaling
7. What you want to be when you grow up? i put in oncologist and got pictures of dogs/pets. so then i put in "cure cancer." haha.
8. What do you love most in life? seeking truth
9. One word to describe you? thoughtful.
school ties
Saturday, April 17, 2010
conscious consumer
Friday, April 16, 2010
race for hope!
Monday, April 12, 2010
cherry blossom 10 miler
Sunday, April 4, 2010
I decided I needed to believe in Jesus in 6th grade, because I didn’t want to go to hell. I was at a kids Friday night AWANA event with my friends and the leader (this huge white man) asked – if anyone wanted to accept Jesus he would pray with them. I was too intimidated by him so I never did. I officially accepted Jesus in eighth grade; praying a prayer privately to myself. I still went to church for similar reasons – not wanting to go to hell, get advice on how to be a better person, felt like I should.
It was during college that began to better understand what Jesus was really offering. But it was not so much through the exciting experiences with God I had, but through the darker moments. As a puritan prayer states – the way down is the way up; the valley is the place of vision. I often found myself chasing approval and attention from others (I still do); it felt almost like a drug, always wanting more, more, more. The acknowledgement that I got from others that my existence mattered was nowhere near enough to quench my longing, or to quell my fear that maybe it didn’t really matter that much. When I wasn’t getting what I wanted, I sulked and eventually just gave up. I went through constant phases of just wanted to be left alone, and to sleep, or watch tv; just generally not participate in life. Life fell into an emotionally numb monotony. I can’t say that I particularly disliked it, I was just – neutral. But what did seem unbearable was the repetitive stagnancy of each day; it was all the same, life without any discernable direction, just going in purposeless circles.
I had this habit of making myself feel sad – putting myself down, dwelling in my inferiority and all the things I couldn’t stand about myself. I knew I kept doing it because it satisfied some sort of twisted longing inside me – perhaps simply just to feel ANYTHING, even if it was pain. I knew I was being self-indulgent, letting myself wallow in self-pity; but I didn’t really care.
I finally realized- this is what Jesus came to save us from. This is death; these are glimpses of hell- less fiery than what I had once imagined, but more ominous. Above all, that Jesus had conquered death meant he offered hope. Hope that good would prevail over evil. That despite the heavy burdens and multitude of my personal demons – the battle was not lost! The fight that I had long given up hope on – was no longer impossible. Because Jesus had conquered death and hell, and He was with me. He gave me the strength to pick myself up and fight and LIVE. Jesus said, together we will conquer the death in you. Suddenly, what used to not matter (why fight if you know you are going to lose?) became infinitely important – that I fight and participate in life; not only for myself, but so that I could declare to others too that the battle was not lost! As death was conquered by life, I found I needed less and less for myself – ready to give more than I sought to receive. Overflowing with joy that I couldn’t help but share. The desire to love others deeply because I knew that I was loved. Alive.
I know what it is to be dead, and I know what it is to be alive. A few weeks ago Pastor Tom said – going from being dead to alive is a supernatural event. Of course it is! I thought. Clearly the resurrection of Jesus from a dead corpse to a living person was a supernatural event, duh! But in me too. To be brought from spiritual death to the fullness of spiritual life – could only be the work of my supernatural savoir.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
oh c.s. lewis
Monday, March 15, 2010
cast iron, YUM.
because ... I bought pre-marinated pork bulgogi from H-mart yesterday.
aw man it was soooo good. Honestly, some of the best meat I've eaten at home before.
now thinking about the possibilities for using cast iron. high temp cooking!
I think I might need to try making steak sometime soon...
Thursday, March 11, 2010
so that inspired me to go on a book buying binge the other day. I went to b&n to buy a book. i was thinking about getting up in the air (i.e. movie based on book), but after flipping through it didn't look that enticing. So i ended up wandering around and found a table of "buy 2, get 3rd free!" books. Normally I'd think - that is way too many books to buy, and I need to stop buying books. But that day, I just thought, I think I'll read them all, hopefully.... So I came home with 1100+ pages of reading. But I'm already halfway through the first book! thanks to being sick and staying home.
Books I've read (i'll try to keep updating on books i'm reading):
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. this book was incredible. It was the one that I couldn't put down. I bought it b/c i saw it at costco and it looked interesting so i just picked it up. its a memoir, incredibly a true story. The writing was beautiful and the stories were engrossing, but i think the most compelling thing about the whole book was that everything was real. It chronicles Jeannette's childhood in a family where her parents never had the resources, financially or emotionally, to take care of their children; the Walls kids band together to learn to take care of themselves, finding hope and optimism in situations that did not merit any. I was amazed once again by the resilience of children (of these children in particular), and at the same time angry that you had to find out about their resilience at all.
The Gospel According to the Son by Norman Mailer. JZ gave this book to me more than a year ago, but i never got around to finishing it. It's Jesus' life told from his point of view. I think what I like most about it is that he portrays Jesus as very human- not necessarily human as in flawed, but human as in able to be hurt, able to be weak, able to feel very deeply. It was sort of confusing, to read one person's imagined account of who Jesus might have been- to try to distinguish what was real and what was not. But in the end I think, Jesus was a man; Jesus was real. And we can't think of him as an abstraction; we all end up imagining our own picture of who he might have been. I think the last few sentences really resonate with who I imagine Jesus to be: "So I think often of the hope that is hidden in the faces of the poor. Then from the depth of my sorrow wells up an immutable compassion, and I find the will to live again and rejoice."
currently reading: Little Bee by Chris Cleave. "I ask you right here please to agree with me that a scar is never ugly. That is what the scar makers want us to think. But you and I, we must make an agreement to defy them. We must see all scars as beauty. Okay? This will be our secret. Because take it from me, a scar does not form on the dying. A scar means, I survived.
"In a few breaths' time I will speak some sad words to you. But you must hear them the same way we have agreed to see scars now. Sad words are just another beauty. A sad story means, this storyteller is alive. The next thing you know, something fine will happen to her, something marvelous, and then she will turn around and smile."
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
i dunno why it's annoying to me when people tell me - why are you at work on a snow day?? stop working?! that i'm the only one who seems to be annoyed at the lost work week. that when i talk to people work seems to just be something you do- to get by, to make money/a living, because that's what you have to do.
and i know i'm probably an idealistic med student. but I guess being a student, that idea of going to work to put in your hours, as an obligation, as an obstacle to things you actually want to be doing with your time -- its so foreign to me. I mean, not to say that this is how i think everyone else feels about their job, but there is that aspect to it at times. While I'm doing research here at NIH, really i'm the one who benefits if I work hard, and i'm the one who pays if i don't.
what ever happened to simply believing in the intrinsic value of your work/job? I wonder what it will be like when i actually have a real job (many many years from now...)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
i know i live in a bubble. that i've been blessed in every way possible to be living in this bubble.
but there are just moments in life that remind me life isn't all fine and dandy, butterflies and rainbows.
this week:
1) just hearing more and more on haiti. i used to hate reading the newspaper/watching the news. sometimes i still do. Just more and more stories of brokenness in the world, things like haiti, things like economic hardship, but also so much of people hurting other people. In the depths of it all its just hard to see hope.
2) this past weekend when i went to PY's for church poker night. when i walked out of the metro i'm just standing on the escalator and then the lady in front of me says "that's no good." i look up and i see a young black guy vomit up blood onto the rail of a nearby escalator. two more are handcuffed on the ground. police and sirens everywhere. i had no idea what happened, but i passed some people on the street that mentioned some gunshots? i was pretty freaked out and just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible; this is definitely not what i expected at 7pm at gallery place. this was a pretty jarring experience for me, but for someone else it's just life. during all of this, my mp3 player was playing praan, a song from the where the hell is matt video (if you haven't seen it, i'd recommend it. a guy named matt goes and dances around the world, 42 different countries. that somehow invokes a feeling of common unity in human joy, that maybe there is hope for the world.) it just felt like an ironically sad moment straight out of a movie- as if to say, we still have a very very long way to go.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
recent baking adventures
Monday, January 11, 2010
things i've lost in the past two days
one glove
a key ring with my giant bonus card, borders reward card, library card, etc.
a bible
my journal
my patience
yesterday's sermon addressed the idea of "me-world." that somehow in our culture, in our language, our attitudes, we've come to believe that the world revolves around us. That we have come to believe that the solutions to our problems are all in the self-- self knowledge, self-esteem, self expression. It is these things that will save us.
Paul says: "For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21)
In me-world, we say: "To live is me, and to die is the worst thing that can possibly happen." (death = the end of me)
the speaker made a reference to descartes I really liked-- he said (loose paraphrase), even descartes knew: "I am not the center/creator of the universe; I am not my own god. For if I were, then I would have constructed a world which was perfect for me. But, clearly this is not true." just to say, seriously, who do we think we are? even though I may think: "i'm not dumb, I know that I'm not God"-- but I still act like I am. I still act as if I can fix all my problems on my own; I still act as if I have control over what happens; I still act as if what I want is of infinite importance. I was just struck by how easy it is to fall into "me-world," even if I'm completely aware of God. It's not something you remind yourself once a year when a nice sermon comes along. you've got to be fighting that tendency every single day.
for whatever reason, life has just been really stressful lately. and today i finally couldn't really handle it. all these little things that shouldn't have mattered, just started to get me really upset. I knew that losing a glove, losing a bible- it was not a big issue, but it was so annoying to have lost them (i'm still in denial about the journal...). then people were late; then things didn't go my way; then someone was annoyed at me. I just felt myself sinking into me-world. I knew it was happening, but I still couldn't stop it. all i can say now is, God-- once again, save me from myself.
**addendum (1/13): link to the sermon here! (right click "save link as" to download mp3)
+ bible and journal found!!!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
list for my man
One comment came out-- that you may have a nice long list of things you're looking for when you're younger, but as you get older, that list shrinks down. that kind of statement makes me begin to wonder, does that mean the older we get, the wiser we are? Or we just learn to settle with less than we had hoped for. i dunno, I hope that as I get older my list won't shrink, it'll change : maybe we lose the specificity of our attraction and find the root of that desire, for example-- its not that he's an amazing guitarist, its that he has the initiative, the dedication, and the ear to become one. And of course, I'm still really young, and very likely just being incredibly naive. :P
not sure how feel about publishing my list, but here's all i could think of for now.
i want someone who is at least or more intelligent than I. is this judgmental/superficial? i do "size people up" on how intelligent i think they are, its just something i do. not to say that I filter friends that way, but i just like to find really smart people to respect; and you respect other people for other things too. i know i'm attracted to smart people, just based on my favorite movie characters who were all too smart for their own good - donnie darko, juno, house.
i like people who put a lot of thought into what they do. that there is purpose or thought put into everything that they do and say; i.e. if you're going to do something, do it well. i must say, i especially like when men are amazing cooks. well planned out events. attention to detail. clever/witty jokes. i tend to like guys who think a lot, sometimes too much.
i've always been attracted to men who are opinionated. When I first realized that, I thought- isn't that weird, since I'm totally the total opposite? But a friend responded by saying, I don't think that's true-- you may not be as vocal about it, but you know what you think. So maybe someone who will help me find the courage to have my own voice.
i want someone who sees complexity in the world. too often, i hear people trying to simplify the world, categorize people, polarize right and wrong, wrap the world into a neat well-worded adages and straightforward answers. i want someone who will be able to stand with me and simply marvel at everything we can't possibly understand.
In some ways I feel like a little child, just asking for everything I want without much regard to much else. But a lot of these things, I can't imagine letting go of; not having in my future husband. I like what DC told me: if it's good, God will purify and give it back to you. God, you tell me what'll still stay standing.